Poladis Sakhli at Caucasus Build 2022

Poladis Sakhli took part in the 26th International Construction and Interior Design Exhibition! Visitors and participants were introduced to our products and were the first to receive information about promotions. After three days of fruitful work, we received an award in the following nomination: “THE MOST FRUITFUL COOPERATION” #PoladisSakhli #ForStrongBuilding #CaucasusBuild

Poladis Sakhli joined the Association of Infrastructure Builders

The goal of the Association of Infrastructure Builders is to ensure the protection of the rights and interests of construction companies, support prestige, professional training of staff and the establishment of relations between member companies in order to improve the construction environment of Georgia. By joining the association, “Poladis Sakhli” has taken another step towards […]

Vineyard Pole – Made in a steel house

The vineyard needs special care and attention For this you will need vineyard poles made of high quality galvanized sheet. The vineyard pole produced by the Steel House has a high resistance to corrosion and a multi-year warranty. Stainless steel sheet material is used in the production provides an average 12% increase in vineyard quality […]